CMetX and QRSTool Software Agreement

You are free to use this software, but please acknowledge its use in publications or presentations by indicating that the IBI Series was extracted using QRSTool and that the metrics were derived with CMetX Cardiac Metric Software, available from John J.B. Allen at

Please do not distribute, but anyone may obtain it freely by registering at

  • Click Here to acknowledge your agreement and download CMetX and QRSTool with sample data (6 Mb download)
  • Click Here to acknowledge your agreement and download CMetX and QRSTool with no sample data (2 Mb download)
  • Click Here to acknowledge your agreement and download only CMetX  (4 Kb download)

Files are packaged in a password-protected zip file.  A password to extract the files from the zip archive will be sent to the email address you specified on the previous page. 

Some Useful Tips to Get Started

If you downloaded the package of CMetX with QRSTool, simply run the installer within.  The installer creates a QRSTool directory with several other directories nested under it, placing it by default in your Program Files directory.  Menu entries for QRSTool and CMetX will be created.

QRSTool requires DirectX be installed on the machine in order to run.  For detailed instructions on use, launch QRSTool.exe and see the help that is available from the help menu.  You may also wish to examine these helpful instructions.  There is also now a series of Video Tutorials that may help you get started.

If you use QRSTool, it can send data to CMetX directly, but if you wish to use CMetX as a standalone program, simply copy it to the directory that holds your ASCII text files with the IBI series.  Instructions are provided when you launch CMetX with no command line parameters.  This program runs in a DOS (Terminal) shell under any Windows operating system that has been tested to date (including Windows 11).

If you have multiple files to process in CMetX, create a batch file (*.bat or *.cmd) that repeatedly launches the program, with each IBI file to be processed included as a command line parameter.  All output is appended to the same output file (HRVMETRC.DAT).

More specifics on the program can be found in the following references (pdfs available by clicking on links):

Allen J.J.B. (2002).  Calculating metrics of cardiac chronotropy: A pragmatic overview. Psychophysiology, 39, S18. 

Allen, J.J.B., Chambers, A.S., & Towers, D.N. (2007). The many metrics of cardiac chronotropy: A pragmatic primer and a brief comparison of metrics. Biological Psychology, 74, 243–262.